Salt Cave Therapy in Raleigh, NC



At Skin Sense, a day spa our Himalayan Salt cave was created with the intention of promoting total body wellness. Himalayan salt is the purest form of salt on the planet– offering 84 different trace minerals which benefit the body in many different ways. This form of salt contains negative ions which combat the positive ions that ravage our bodies daily through electronics and environmental pollutants. Himalayan Salt is wonderful for upper respiratory conditions, allergies, asthma– both adult and childhood, certain skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, hypertension, stress, weakened immune systems, and other related conditions. Himalayan salt is sedative by nature, so most will fall asleep. Himalayan salt helps to regulate sleep. Once in the cave, you will sit in zero-gravity chairs. Sit back, relax, and take in the salt…breathe.

Your number of visits depend on your goals in regards to your wellness such as upper respiratory conditions, allergies, asthma, sleep conditions, skin conditions, and much more. Please speak to our friendly front desk about your goals.

If you are only looking to manage your optimal health, once or twice a week is fine.


Please note: Salt Cave availabilities is only scheduled for the beginning of each hour.

If you have any questions please call us at 919-870-0700.

Salt Cave Adult (Age 16+)

$30 (Member $23)

Salt Cave Senior (Age 65+)

$25 (Member $19)

Salt Cave Children/Teens (under 16)

$25 (Member $19)


With our Salt Cave Membership, you’ll receive unlimited Salt Cave Visits as well as access to all of our spa amenities, four membership passes, and membership pricing on treatments.

$275 per month for Unlimited Visits

For more membership details, please give us a call at 919.870.0700 or visit us at 6801 Falls of Neuse Rd, Suite 130 Raleigh, NC 27615

Salt Cave FAQs

How long is a session?

Each session begins promptly on the hour and lasts for 45 minutes. Visitors should arrive 15 - 30 minutes early to check in, fill out any paperwork, or use any of our relaxing amenities. There is no admittance to the salt cave once a session has started.

What should I wear in a salt cave?

Loose, comfortable clothing. Please bring a pair of clean socks to wear into the cave.

May I bring my phone or any other electronic?

Phones, apple watches, computers, headphones, tablets, e-readers, or any electronics are not allowed in the salt cave because the salt cave neutralizes positive ions that we receive on a daily basis that wreak havoc on our total body wellness. Our Himalayan Salt Cave omits negative ions that counteract positive ions that we are exposed to daily thus giving us a neutralized effect in the salt cave. We will provide a locker for you to store your phone and other personal belongings.

May I take food or drink in the cave?

No, liquids deteriorate our salt therefore you may have something to drink before or after your treatment. After your session in our Salt Cave, the intake of water is imperative to your treatment.

Conversations in the Salt Cave?

Himalayan Salt is sedative by nature. We also provide cooling eye pillows alon with coze blankets. With that said, we see this as your time to relax and to take the salt.

Is the Salt Cave Co-Ed?

Yes, it is. Unless you rent out the salt cave as a whole. Up to nine people may join the session. The Salt Cave is sedative which most everyone will fall asleep. Skin Sense is not responsible for snoring and any additional bodily function. We ask that you please not talk as a courtesy to other guests.

How many people are allowed in the Salt Cave in one session?

Skin Sense allows up to nine visitors in one session.

Is the Salt Cave safe for children?

Yes. Children often respond faster to treatments than adults and there is no potential harmful effect. However, children must be accompanied by an adult.